1: (10 Points) Use the customers table, and write a query statement to show CustFirstName, CustLastName, and CustCity columns.
2: (10 Points) Use the employees table, and write a query statement to show the employee’s EmployeeID, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, and EmpPhoneNumber, if the employee is living in the 98413 zip code.
3. (20 Points) Use INNER JOIN to create a query result. In this query result, list each vendor’s name and the name of each product the vendor has supplied to our company. You should use the Vendors, Product_Vendors, and the Products tables in the database to complete this task.
4. (15 Points) Use subquery and find the detail of the most expensive product in the table of products.
5. (15 Points) Use the orders table and find the total order values per customer. Hint: Use group by clause and an aggregation function.
6. (10 Points) Use subquery and show details of the customers that have not placed any orders. If a customer (i.e, its CustomerID) is not in the table of orders, that means the customer has not placed any orders.
7. (10 Points) Use Delete statement to remove products that have not been ordered by any customers. Hint: A product that is not in the table of order_details means the product has not been ordered, find (without duplicate) of those products.
8. (10 Points) Use Update and Case Statements to increase the retail price (under column RetailPrice) of products that are from CategoryID 1 and 2 by 10% and the rest of the products by 5%.